| 1. | Biological effects and application of proton beam implantation on melon seeds 处理甜瓜种子的辐射生物学效应和利用研究 |
| 2. | What we call a " proton beam " is in fact a succession of squeezed groups of protons called " bunches " . the two lhc beams will consist each of 2835 bunches of 1011 particles each 我们所说的“质子束”实际上是连续的许多被压缩的质子群。这两个lhc的粒子束会有2853个含有1001个粒子的群组成。 |
| 3. | The experiment populated the excitation state of 64cu via 64ni ( p , ny ) 64cu * reaction and the lifetime of low - lying excitation state of 64cu were determined via the delayed coincidence method between pulse proton beam and de - excitation y rays detected by ge ( li ) detector Sns )与ge ( l )探测器测量退激y射线延迟符合的方法,由时间谱tof峰的中值移动的方法来确定激发态寿命。 |
| 4. | We review the literatures of the clinical feature , pathophysiology , treatment modalities and prognosis of chordomas , and also the newest advances of radiotherapy , including proton beam radiotherapy ( rt ) and heavy charged particles rt ( carbon ions ) for treating chordomas 我们回顾文献中有关脊索瘤之临床表现、病态生理、治疗策略及预后,并整理放射治疗之最新进展,包括质子治疗及重粒子治疗如碳离子对脊索瘤之治疗比较。 |
| 5. | One involves the radiation hardening technique of electronic devices aboard on spacecraft for extremely high energy protons with low flux existed in the environment of space ; the other is related to the thermal - mechanical effects of materials under the exposure of high - energy intense - current proton beams 本文主要研究了空间飞行器抗辐射加固研究中涉及的高能质子辐射效应问题和强流质子束辐照引起的热?力学效应问题。 |
| 6. | In this paper , the color dipole approach in the target rest frame is presented and the ratio of the drell - yan cross section per nucleon for an 800 gev proton beam incident on a variety of nuclear targets are calculated and the results are compared with fermilab e772 and e866 experimental data . it is shown that without considering the energy loss effect , the calculated results can fit rather well with experimental data 本文介绍了靶静止系中色偶极模型,用色偶极模型计算了800gev质子与原子核碰撞的drell - yan过程的微分截面比,并与e772和e866实验结果进行了比较。发现:不考虑能量损失,只计及p - a碰撞中的遮蔽效应,理论结果就与实验符合的很好。 |
| 7. | The calculated results show that , for low energy protons ( energy less than several decade mev ) , the contribution of proton nuclear reaction to energy deposition can be neglected ; while for high energy protons ( energy greater than several hundred mev ) , the great difference appears for the above two cases . this gives us an indication that the contribution of proton nuclear reaction to the energy deposition must be concerned for high - energy protons . the propagation process in material of thermal shock wave induced by high - energy intense - current pulsed proton beam irradiation is calculated for several different proton energies 对于入射能注量为418 ( j cm ~ 2 )脉冲宽度为0 . 1 s的矩形脉冲强流质子束,计算结果表明,由于质子束能量不同,引起的初始热激波( 0 . 1 s时刻的热激波)有单峰结构,也有双峰结构,不同能量的强流质子束引起的热激波在传播的过程中都会出现明显的弹性前驱波。 |
| 8. | The research on the radiation effects of materials induced by high - energy proton irradiation is of important significance in many scientific fields , such as the single event effects of semiconductor components exposed on space , accelerator - driven nuclear energy generator , tritium production by accelerator , intense pulsed ion beam technology , proton radiography , etc . the effects and mechanisms of irradiation vary vastly for different energies and intensities of proton beams 宇宙高能质子的单粒子效应( see )研究、洁静核能系统( ads )研究、加速器产氚计划( apt ) 、强脉冲离子束( ipib )技术、质子断层扫描等领域都涉及质子辐射效应问题。质子辐射对不同的材料会导致不同的效应,开展质子辐射效应产生的机制研究,掌握其效应规律,对于电子学元器件的抗辐射加固指标提出,以及在其他研究中的方案设计等都有重要意义。 |
| 9. | In the calculation , the energy deposited in aluminum by proton beams is first calculated by m - c simulation , then a 1 - d elastic - plastic fluid model is used to simulate the following thermal shock wave process as a result of thermal - mechanical effect by proton irradiation . the shape of proton is taken as a rectangle pulse with a width of 0 . 1 microseconds , the energy flux o 对于3mm的铝材料,入射粒子束为矩形脉冲(脉宽为0 . 1 s )的情况下,计算得到了电子束、质子束辐照引起铝材料断裂的能注量阈值与入射电子束、质子束能量的关系曲线,该曲线存在最小值,分别对应6mev的质子束的34 . 7j cm ~ 2和0 . 35mev电子束的42 . 1j cm ~ 2 。 |
| 10. | Radiotherapy of malignant neoplasms with proton beams has been practicing in at least 11 institutes worldwide and has accumulated experience for more than 12 , 000 patients , the tumor control rate and survival rate of cancer patients are much better than conventional radiotherapy while the complication rate is remarkably lower 质子射线治疗恶性肿瘤经世界各国十馀个加速器治疗研究所一万一千馀例临床试验,证实不但对肿瘤的控制率和癌患存活率可大幅度提高,同时治疗的副作用则相对降低甚多。 |